Alumni Spotlight – Meet Gabriel Laizer

July 2024

Volume 24 Issue 5

New Dawn Community students often arrive with nothing, so your generous support provides their basic needs for food, shelter, clothing and school supplies. This then allows the students to address their deeper need for affirmation and belonging, subsequently freeing them to focus on academics, character development and spiritual growth.

Gabriel was an orphan and was fortunate to be able to live with his grandparents near Kilimanjaro Tanzania. He helped his elderly grandparents with the difficult tasks of farming and caring for the livestock. There was not many options to continue his education as the government sponsor school support ends after children complete middle school, usually around the age of 13.

Ron and Gabriel

In late 2016 Gabriel applied to the recently finished New Dawn Community in Same, Tanzania. in January 2017 Gabriel was accepted to be a member of the first class of 36 Form 1 orphan students for the new school. In this photo Gabriel is met by the NDC US Executive Director Ron Sukut.

First Day

Gabriels first day at New Dawn Tanzania 2019 in the boy’s dormitory for his bunk assignment. This is where he will sleep and build lasting memories with his fellow students for the next 4 years.

In Uniform

In 2023 – wearing his school uniform, Gabriel was invited to visit the Tanzania Parliament as part of the country’s acknowledgment of the New Dawn Communities – Tanzania’s high scholastic success in 2023.

The missions team, family and staff

Gabriel with USA Ministry Team that visited the school campus with some of the school staff in 2023.


This is the graduation procession where Gabriel and his fellow classmates “parade” to the Graduation Ceremony in 2023

At University

As medical student in 2024 in his “scrubs”, Gabriel is at the top of his class with a 4.0 GPA. He sent the following personal message along with the photo above.

“Thank you so much our lovely Father may God also uplift your eyes and give you visions that will be the solution to the problem to many people in Jesus’ name amen.”

~ Gabriel Lazier, New Dawn Kenya Graduate 2024

Because of your support orphan students like Gabriel are given hope and an opportunity to turn their lives into their country’s future Christ-centered leaders.

Together with you, our supporters, we have been able to establish two “Communities”. Each one is built on over 50-acre parcels with school, dormitory, church, administration and farm structurers to provide a safe and welcoming environment for students and indigenous staff.

      • New Dawn Communities in Kenya and Tanzania have graduated over 600 orphan students since 2009. On average it costs $125.00 per month to provide a secure shelter, feed, cloth and teach the student.
      • 80% of New Dawn graduates qualify to go on to a university. Because of their high GPA-top 10% in their nations, most earn government scholarships.
      • NDC teachers are among the best in their countries, so it’s no surprise other schools try to lure them away with higher wages elsewhere. Prevent this from happening by helping pay their teachers a worthy salary. The annual salary need per teacher is $8000.00

“We New Dawn graduates will continue investing in New Dawn Schools. It is not payback. I want to teach a class and sponsor two orphan students. It is the greatest satisfaction I could ever have.”

~ Boniface Mwangi, New Dawn Kenya Graduate 2010