Ministry Update – An Urgent Plea

June 2024

Volume 24 Issue 4

Dear Family and Friends of New Dawn,

We believe it’s time to let you know of our ongoing financial situation. We are currently $9,000 short of meeting this month’s operational expenses for our Community in Tanzania. This is no surprise to us, because we have consistently had to supplement our budget. There is a small group of very generous and committed individuals who have been making up the shortfall, but this is unsustainable. So today, we turn to you for help. Any support you can give at this time would be greatly appreciated.

We need more generous and committed partners who will help spread out the burden of supporting our 150 orphaned youth, and our 25 staff indigenous staff who care for them.

Would you prayerfully consider forwarding this message to anyone in your contacts list who might be interested in knowing about New Dawn? Consider anyone who would potentially be willing and able to partner with us in any way.

Ask them to watch the video below as an introduction to New Dawn Communities.

We would also be glad to come and share a presentation at your church or small group of how God is using this ministry to totally transform lives. New Dawn gives these precious young people a family to belong to, a home to live in, and instills a renewed hope for a brighter future.

2022 Banquet

This is pure and undefiled religion before God, to visit widows and orphans in their distress…

James 1:27

We have time and again seen God miraculously provide for His work at New Dawn, and we continue to trust Him to guide and provide. Would you please pray and ask God to reveal how He could use you to help New Dawn mature as one of His divine expressions of His presence on earth?

We sincerely thank you for your partnership. Whether your contribution has been small or large, you have displayed your faith and worship through pure and undefiled religion.

Let’s all keep up the Good Work!
As they say in Swahili, Pomojia Tutashinde, Together We Succeed”

As always, with much affection and appreciation,

Ron Sukut,
Director with the New Dawn Team

NDC Uganda/Tanzania Trip 2024

May 2024

Volume 24 Issue 3

Dearest Friends and Partners,

Our recent trip to Uganda and Tanzania was among the most fruitful we’ve had. It seemed like during our short three weeks, Winston and I experience one divine encounter after another.

Winston and I arrived at the Entebbe airport, in Uganda and were joyfully met by my longtime friends, Pastor Grace and his son Henry. They drove us a few hours to their small village of Busembatya where we enjoyed their hospitality for three days, during which we held a two day pastor’s conference. Being able to spend time with rural pastors is one of my favorite things to do.

Service under a tree

It always amazes me how these followers of Jesus accomplish so much with so little. They reach out to their community through their Primary School, with classes held under trees, when it isn’t raining.

Would you join us in prayer for the resources to finish their permanent classroom structure. It will only cost $12,000 USD​

Classes held outside while we wait for buildings to be completed.

Classes are held under the shade of a tree until classrooms can be built.

Beginnings of classrooms

The beginning of a school building for classrooms.


Then we made the drive back to Kampala where we met up with a mission team from Park Side Church, which is located in Sandpoint, Idaho. This group of nine amazing followers of Jesus, plus Winston and I were capably led by Park Side pastor Adam. We joined with pastor Steven, director of Uganda Christian Outreach Ministries and their joyful team to drive 15 hours from Kampala, in north Lake Victoria, to Geita, in South Lake Victoria.

Travel on the bus
In the Market
Here we met up with pastor Eliud for ministry at his church, then drove the next day out to a remote village for two days of medical outreach. The team of doctors and nurses treated over 500 villagers for ailments such as malaria and infections. The prayer team saw many healings and deliverances.

We concluded our time with a trip to a very rustic fishing port on Lake Victoria, where Brooke and Hailey, two of our young missionaries were baptized. Then as pastor Steve gave an invitation to “come to know Jesus”, another three of the locals came forward and were baptized.

As the Sandpoint team headed back to Kampala, Winston and I flew up to Kilimanjaro to spend the final week at New Dawn.
When we arrived on Sunday morning, the service was already underway. It was like stepped into a little bit of heaven, as we entered during a time of worship and prayer.

This 2 minute video of our students meeting with God is well worth your time.

There’s Nobody like You LORD!

The New Lab
First experiments
Lab partners
Training in the Lab
After our noon meal we toured the campus and were impressed with the farm and the completed laboratory.


The following day we hiked up the nearby mountain to get a view of the valley where our campus is located. Here we meet up with a curious group of villagers who were wondering what the Mzungus were doing on the hill. This encounter turned out to be an excellent opportunity to discuss and plan for future community development.
What are the Mzungus doing up on the hill?

Then the next day we met with the rest of the village leaders and reps of the county commissioner. We further discussed and planned for future collaborative development of our Ishinde Village.

Future Collaborative development

Then we met with our New Dawn staff, numbering nearly 30. They all pleaded with us to expand our school to include Form 5 & 6 Advanced Secondary School Curriculum. This has always been our vision yet we have lacked the resources. Now we believe it is time to make the commitment to move the community forward to this next level. To do so will require more infrastructure. Please pray with us as we determine the path forward.

The New Dawn Staff meeting
The day after that we drove 3 hours to Mombo for a one day pastor’s conference. Our teaching happened to be televised on a national TV station.


On our final day we visited the neighboring Vocational Training Center which partners with us in equipping our students with practical skills.
Vocational Training Center

We also had an opportunity to visit a couple of our Alumni attending Nursing College. Both Gabriel and Lightness are top in their class with a 4+ grade point average. Our graduates are distinguishing themselves and bringing glory to God.

Gabriel and Lightness

Please pray with us as we determine the essential projects and priorities of the path forward.


Our top priorities at this time are the sponsorship of our 36 new Form 1 students. Our budget for their education and mentoring support is:

    • $125 per month per student (the cost of dinner out with your family)
    • $1,500 per year per student
    • $3,000 for two years, half the cost of their diploma
    • $6,000 covers all the four years of their home and education expenses to graduation

Installation of a compressed natural gas tank and plumbing to the kitchen and laboratory.

    • $15,000

Completion of our rain water harvesting system, specifically roof gutters and drain piping to existing cistern, pump to garden, as well as filter to plumbing to laboratory.

    • $12,000

Form 5 & 6 Administration and Classroom buildings, and living essentials of beds, closets and cabinets in existing dormitories…

    • $300,000

Your faithful and generous support has brought us this far. The fruit of our labors is beyond our hopes, so now we look to the God who provided for His will to be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for standing with us in earnest prayer for how God intends to further the Good Work He had begun.

Your partner in God’s field,


Tanzania Missions Update

March 2024

Volume 24 Issue 2

Upcoming Mission Trip - April 2024 to

New Dawn Communities Tanzania

The New Dawn Communities Executive Director, Ron Sukut will be going to Uganda and Tanzania for three weeks beginning April 1st.  He will be joined by one of the assistant pastors from Cornerstone Community Church in San Clemente, Winston Wardwell, who directs in the Joshua House discipleship program.

The purpose of this visit is to meet with pastors, missionaries, and New Dawn staff members for renewed relationships. There will be a mixture of training and planning thrown in as well.

A current (and new) development in our mission network is with a church in Sandpoint Idaho – Parkside Church. Ron and Diane have been attending this community church while staying in their home there during the summer and fall months. One of the unique aspects of this church is their emphasis on missions. Parkside Church has had a long-time relationship with missionaries in Uganda and Tanzania, and while having our New Dawn High Schools in Kenya and Tanzania, it seems to be a good match.

Missions Tea visit to Tanzania

Members of the missions team from a recent trip to Tanzania

In April Parkside is taking a missions team from their church to partner with their current missionaries, and Ron will be joining up with them during the trip. He is planning to travel to Uganda on April 1st, a few days before the Parkside team arrives, in order to meet with a group of pastors for a leaders’ conference.

Ron has made a few previous trips to the area to connect with this group. As a result, they started Primary (Elementary) School, with hopes that New Dawn Communities will establish our next school in their region.

We ask that you would pray with us for God’s will to be done in this regard.


Afterwards, Ron will be going to meet the Parkside Team at the Entebbe Airport upon their arrival, Friday, April 5th. Then Ron and the team will drive from Entebbe along the coast of Lake Victoria, south to Geita, which is near the larger city of Mwanza.

The team is planning to serve, train and evangelize for a week with the local missionaries.

After the team heads back to the US, Ron will travel over to our New Dawn Community in Same, Tanzania for some much-anticipated time together with students and staff. As always, there will likely be a banquet with the Ishinda Village Elders and a few representatives from the local County Commissioner’s office.

Ron hopes to meet up with a few of our alumni and see how things are going since their graduation from New Dawn. He may have some good photos and stories to tell us upon his return, stay tuned . . .

Please pray for the safety of the ministry team as they travel and that their efforts will be a light to all who’s path they cross.

We ask that you prayerfully consider giving a monthly donation of $125.00 to sponsor a new Tanzania student. This monthly amount completely covers all the costs to provide a safe place to live, learn and worship as a New Dawn Community student.

Ministry Update from Tanzania – New students have arrived

February 2024

Volume 24 Issue 1

The New 2024 Class of Form One Arrives

New Dawn Communities Tanzania

Below is a summary report from our New Dawn Secondary School in Tanzania. The article was writter by Nance Daniel, a journalism class reporter.

By Nance Daniel
New Dawn Secondary School

“In every new year there are always new things. In this year we are happy that we have received new form one students who are coming from different parts of Tanzania.

Early on January this year, New Dawn Secondary School received the new form one (freshman) students who are coming from various regions of Tanzania. We have received thirty-six (36) form one students. The new form one students have started to enter in the class and they have completed the orientation course.

The new form one students are happy to join New Dawn Secondary School because they were warmly welcomed with the other students, workers and teachers. The students have already received their uniforms, shamba dresses, exercise books and the other basic requirements. They are also thankful and happy to get the new family members at New Dawn Secondary School. As the community, we thank God that we have received our new family members and it is our prayer that they will be a blessing in our community and the World at large.

Form 1 students arrive

New Dawn Secondary School Incoming Freshmen


The incoming students have an opportunity for a complete
change of course in life.

Your Generous Donation will make all the difference in their success. Would you consider a monthly or a one-time donation going towards the sponsorship of one or more of the new students?

The new Laboratory under final construction

With a recent generous donation, our laboratory will be fully functional very soon.

Year End 2023 | New Dawn Communities

December 2023

Volume 23 Issue 6

Year in Review

From the perspective of our students

The secondary school in Tanzania started a journalism club in 2023 and have begun to send us content from the class. They are really proud of the accomplishments at New Dawn Communities and have listed a few here for you.

We have left the article completely unedited and as written by the student reporter. The entire thing would not be possible without you, our generous supporters.

By Emmanuel Felix
New Dawn Secondary School

“In life there are moments of mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair but through God’s love we find that there are many blessings which God has given us in our life”. In this year 2023, we have a reason to thank God of heaven for being good to us and blessing us with many things in our community.”

In every final part of something there is a story to tell. At New Dawn community, the year 2023 was so much good with a lot success. God helped us to achieve many things in many areas such as sports and games, admission of new form one students, the second form four class graduation, the new laboratory building progress, the good examination results from form four and form two, to mention but a few.

The following are the accomplishments for 2023 at New Dawn Community Tanzania:


Award Winning Choir

New Dawn Secondary School Choir



This year 2023 we also received good results for the form two and form four who sat for the National Examination 2022. All students from both classes passed the examination. For the Form two class our school became number three (03) out of 58 schools in the district and for the form four which it was our first time we became number 10 out 57 schools in the district.

This year 2023 also the form two and form four classes sat for the regional Mock examination which is done by all Kilimanjaro schools so as to prepare students for their national examination.

In the regional Mock examination, we are also happy to inform you that in more than 29,000 and 27,000 students in Kilimanjaro who sat for Regional Mock examination for both form four and form two students respectively, our school New Dawn Communities Tanzania got some students who managed to be among the ten best students in both District wise and Region wise in some subjects.

For the form four class, our fellow student Salome Materu became number 6 in physics and number 9 in Bible Knowledge in the district.

For the form two class we got 7 students who were among the ten best students in the district and region. In Kilimanjaro region top ten students we had one student called Lomaiyan Zephania Mollel who managed to be a third student in English subject in the region.

In the district we had seven students who were among the ten best students in English, Physics, Bible Knowledge, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, subjects. The students are Lomaiyan Zephaniah Mollel, Aloyce Daniel Metusela, Ebenezer Said, Sharon Maeda, Otilia Sixbert, Sophia Peter and Nancy Daniel.



Our school New Dawn had no qualified laboratories for science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The students are still using a mult-purpose laboratory to their practical which is not good for the students to perform well.

The good news is that the construction of New laboratory resumed this year 2023 and it is in a good condition. The plumbers have already fixed the water pipes which will be supplying water in the laboratory. The chamber for collecting dirty water has being prepared and sinks have also been put. The work is exquisite and it will be a blessing for the students especially those who are studying science subjects.

New Lab Building
Inside the new laboratory.

A part of the new laboratory building



In September 2023 the New Dawn Secondary School interviews of finding new form one class of 2024 started. The interviews started first here at our school then followed in other areas of Tanga, Dar es salaam and Moshi. We thank God that it went well and we got 36 who will join form one next year 2024.

Students conducting the written interview

The students from different schools doing a written interview.



This year on 02/12/ 2023 we had a four graduation in our school. This was a second graduation for the second class 0f 2020. The graduation was attended by government’s leaders, board of directors, journalists from different media, parents and other invited guests. We are happy that the event well. The graduated students are now waiting for their results next year 2024.

Graduation 2023

The form four graduates singing a farewell song.

The graduation march

The form four graduates entering the hall for graduation

Finally we would like to say thank you our sponsors and our supporters for the great job you are doing. You are building the future of the children who lost hope and we believe that one day you will see the fruits of children you helped. May God bless you so much.

There are two more days in the month for your
Generous Donation
to be matched! Think of it, your giving can have double the impact.

The new Form 1 (freshman) Students are in need of sponsors
Would you consider sponsoring one of the students in full or partially?