
Tanzania Laboratory Project Fundraiser

The project started in 2019 with a total construction budget of $40,000 USD. It is scheduled for completion in early 2023.

We have created a separate fundraising campaign focused on this specific goal of raising the final $10,000 needed to complete the project.

Through the generous donations, made directly by the members of the USA New Dawn Communities Board of Directors, we have raised 75% of the total $40,000 needed to complete the construction before the 2023 school year begins. Completion of the laboratory will help satisfy the Kenya Government’s requirement that all Form 1-4 schools are required to have a separate, free standing science laboratory for teaching chemistry, physics and biology.

We will be able to proceed with future campus expansion projects and gain access to additional capital donations once this new laboratory building is completed. The foundation, floor and brick building structure was completed in 2022 and, with the board member donations of $30,000, work began on the finished exterior, roof, windows and door installation, interior
plumbing, and lighting.

The final push, with your generous donations, will help with the classroom furniture, and the laboratory equipment.

Click here to watch the featured video outlining the importance of the laboratory completion. Produced by Board of Director member Mark Luce,  when he visited the school in October 2022, the video includes a message from Bishop Mishomi, the New Dawn Tanzania Director.

Please prayerfully consider donating to this important fundraiser.​

New Dawn Tanzania: 11/2021

The fourth class has just arrived to our Tanzania Community bringing the student body to full capacity. There are now 150 students. 
The Form 2 (sophomore) class has just completed their national exams and there are 2 monthly exams scheduled for the Form 1 (freshman) and Form 3 (junior) classes. They have worked hard on their studies and are sure to finish well. 

We now have electricity supplied to our entire campus by the Tanzania Power Department – TANESCO. All our buildings are now wired so we no longer need to depend on the expense of a generator. Now our students can study into the evening and our construction can go forward more efficiently.

Nationally supplied at the school

Tanzania Campus is hooked up to the national power grid. All buildings are now wired.

National Power Grid is now connected!
New Dawn Kenya: 11/2021
The Alumni from Kenya have been installing a new solar lighting system for their little brothers and sisters at the campus. This is in a effort to continue towards self sufficiency. Below is a quick message from one of the Alumni that is working on the project.

This is to let you know that everything with regard to the solar power project  is now in place and running. New Dawn is enjoying uninterrupted and cheaper power, without any cost to them. I will compile everything for our report, including the pictures. You just don’t know what you’ve done to New Dawn. You’ve done so much over the years, but this project will bring some real change.
Boniface, for the NDC Alumni
Boniface -  An Alumni who wants to "Give Back"

Alumni have installed solar power at the Kenya Campus

Solar Power

2021 Budget

Student Sponsorship
$120 per student per month (all inclusive)
$1,440 per student per year

NDC Tanzania: 108 sponsored students = $156,520 per year
NDC Kenya: 96 sponsored students = $138,240 per year (144 total students, 48 self-sponsored)


NDC Tanzania Capital Projects, Campus Completion​

Boy’s Dormitory – finish new wing $40,000
Kitchen/Bakery – install equipment $10,000
Girl’s Dormitory – expansion, 8 additional rooms $50,000
Permanent Laboratory – Biology & Chemistry $90,000
Permanent Administration Building $100,000
Total $290,000

August 2020 update:

Team Trip 2020

  • Our trip in July had to be postponed but we are now planning to visit to our New Dawn Communities in Kenya and Tanzania in November, departing Tuesday 18th and returning Saturday, December 4th.

New Dawn Banquet 2020

  • ​We also had to postpone our annual New Dawn Banquet. We hope to be presenting our fundraiser in November if circumstances allow.

July 202o update: 

What are we working on at New Dawn USA?

  • We are using this time to focus on some organizational enhancements.
  • We have a new accountant handling our books
  • A small team is meeting each Friday afternoon to chart a course towards making our administration more efficient.
  • We are still planning to multiply more New Dawn Communities in other developing countries
  • Personal, Organizational, Technical, Elevation Initiative

How are donor funds being used at this moment?

  • We are still primarily a volunteer organization and all of our operational overhead is funded by the board, so every dollar given to New Dawn goes to our schools.
  • We have committed to continue paying our teaching staff their salaries during the months of April, May and June. We wanted to help them get through this shelter without having to get other jobs. With the school in Tanzania opened in July, our teachers resumed their duties and hardly “skipped a beat” as they say. Because our school in Kenya is still closed, at least until next January, sadly, we have had to discontinue the salaries of our teachers. This is simply due to lack of funds. It is very hard for them, as well as us, but we are trusting that we can hire them back at the first of the year.
    All funds are donated to New Dawn to support orphaned and disadvantaged youth, but now that there are no students to support in Kenya, we would like to divert all our Kenya sponsorship funds to support our students in Tanzania.
  • With the students away, we are using this opportunity to do maintenance and renovations on our campuses.

Is the Summer Trip still happening?

  • A few of us were planning to visit New Dawn Tanzania in the summer. Due to the turn of events of late with Covid-19 we will postpone our trip to November.
  • Due to circumstances that are still unfolding in the USA and around the world our tentative dates for the trip are now November 17 – December 5, 2020.
  • The cost of the trip will still be about $3,900.

2017 August Update

This year a team of 14 people traveled to New Dawn in Kenya and to the developing site in Ishinde Village, Tanzania.  The team traveled between July 17 and return August 5.  The Senior legacy project in Kenya began a new laboratory while also doing maintenance and repairs on past projects.  In Tanzania, the new building of a new school was celebrated as the cornerstone was unveiled.  We also celebrated the successful construction and operation of a Greenhouse on the Tanzania property supported by Rotary of Napa Sunrise,  Napa, California.

2016 December Update
While many activities go on at our New Dawn High School for Orphans in Kenya and a second one being developed in Tanzania, the Gospel is going forth in our ministry as the tip of the spear penetrating the kingdom of darkness in East Africa with the light and glory of God. … (more—>> Pastors and Leaders Conferences, Poster , New Greenhouse Construction.)

2016 Senior Class Legacy Project Trip, Kenya, July 26 – August 6
Each summer we send a team to work with our graduating students to construct a community enhancement project of their own choice and design. This is a gift that our graduates leave the upcoming students and staff as a display of gratitude for what New Dawn has invested into their lives. We donate $5,000 per project and provide some encouragement and direction, the students do all the work. Over the years we have constructed such projects as a Basketball Court, Beautiful Shade Gazebo, Tranquil Prayer Garden, … Much needed Bathroom Facilities & Green House, Library with shelves and books, Chicken Coup and a Bio Gas Digester. This year’s project will be the installation of a roof water reclamation system integrated into a fish pond.

2016 Community Development Trip, Tanzania, August 6 – 12
On Saturday, August 6th we travel from Kenya to Tanzania to meet with our indigenous board of directors who are developing our next New Dawn Community there in Ishinde Village. We also meet with the village elders and other community leaders for inspiration and training.
As of May 2016 we have fenced 50 acres, drilled a well and are installing our pump and water storage system. We will begin constructing our first phase of our school as soon as we have raised the funds.
We have three major phases of construction which will coast approx $950,000 each.

We are already planning for our 2017 trips…

How can you participate? Pray ~ Give ~ Go

Contact us for more details at

December 1, 2013
The Board of Directors of World Christian Outreach, Inc. have recently announced the designation of James M. Kariuki as the President and CEO of New Dawn Communities – Laikipia, Kenya. The ministry is now in a position to “turn over” the day to day running of activities to Mr. Kariuki, who has done a remarkable and most excellent job of directing the build-up of the New Dawn Secondary School for Orphans which is located on the campus.

It has always been the philosophy of ministry of WCO to act as a catalyst and provider of capital to establish a new work for the national indigenous Christian workers to carry on. The Orphan School has now graduated 96 students from its High School of which 43 have been placed into Kenya’s top universities. Mr. Ian Dyer will continue as Director of US Operations for New Dawn and will assume more responsibilities to direct New Dawn’s program for the Alumni and student/sponsor relationships. He is also pro-active in posting the ministry’s activities on the Facebook pages of the Website – Stan Herpick, Founder and President of World Christian Outreach, will remain as Founder and Overseer of all the ministry activities of New Dawn. The Board has also authorized the building of a new WCO International Outreach Center in Bahati, Kenya where Stan will be directing most of his time in the future. This Center, once built, will become a ministry hub for East African Pastors to receive in-depth teaching of the Bible, humility, servanthood, and self-emptying in accordance with Philippians 2:1-11, personal teaching admonitions in accordance with 1 & 11 Timothy and Titus, personal prayer and fellowship with one another, and a coming together in unity and one accord to pray for the nations of the world. 20 acres of land has been donated for this project. The WCO Board has also authorized the giving of 50 acres of its land at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to our close associate Pastor Ron Sukut for ministry development. Ron will be meeting with key WCO contact personnel in Tanzania in early January to formulate a ministry plan and then coming back to form a separate 501(c)(3) ministry corporation. December 1, 2013