June 2024

Volume 24 Issue 4

Dear Family and Friends of New Dawn,

We believe it’s time to let you know of our ongoing financial situation. We are currently $9,000 short of meeting this month’s operational expenses for our Community in Tanzania. This is no surprise to us, because we have consistently had to supplement our budget. There is a small group of very generous and committed individuals who have been making up the shortfall, but this is unsustainable. So today, we turn to you for help. Any support you can give at this time would be greatly appreciated.

We need more generous and committed partners who will help spread out the burden of supporting our 150 orphaned youth, and our 25 staff indigenous staff who care for them.

Would you prayerfully consider forwarding this message to anyone in your contacts list who might be interested in knowing about New Dawn? Consider anyone who would potentially be willing and able to partner with us in any way.

Ask them to watch the video below as an introduction to New Dawn Communities.

We would also be glad to come and share a presentation at your church or small group of how God is using this ministry to totally transform lives. New Dawn gives these precious young people a family to belong to, a home to live in, and instills a renewed hope for a brighter future.

2022 Banquet

This is pure and undefiled religion before God, to visit widows and orphans in their distress…

James 1:27

We have time and again seen God miraculously provide for His work at New Dawn, and we continue to trust Him to guide and provide. Would you please pray and ask God to reveal how He could use you to help New Dawn mature as one of His divine expressions of His presence on earth?

We sincerely thank you for your partnership. Whether your contribution has been small or large, you have displayed your faith and worship through pure and undefiled religion.

Let’s all keep up the Good Work!
As they say in Swahili, Pomojia Tutashinde, Together We Succeed”

As always, with much affection and appreciation,

Ron Sukut,
Director with the New Dawn Team