Ministry Update from Tanzania – New students have arrived

February 2024

Volume 24 Issue 1

The New 2024 Class of Form One Arrives

New Dawn Communities Tanzania

Below is a summary report from our New Dawn Secondary School in Tanzania. The article was writter by Nance Daniel, a journalism class reporter.

By Nance Daniel
New Dawn Secondary School

“In every new year there are always new things. In this year we are happy that we have received new form one students who are coming from different parts of Tanzania.

Early on January this year, New Dawn Secondary School received the new form one (freshman) students who are coming from various regions of Tanzania. We have received thirty-six (36) form one students. The new form one students have started to enter in the class and they have completed the orientation course.

The new form one students are happy to join New Dawn Secondary School because they were warmly welcomed with the other students, workers and teachers. The students have already received their uniforms, shamba dresses, exercise books and the other basic requirements. They are also thankful and happy to get the new family members at New Dawn Secondary School. As the community, we thank God that we have received our new family members and it is our prayer that they will be a blessing in our community and the World at large.

Form 1 students arrive

New Dawn Secondary School Incoming Freshmen


The incoming students have an opportunity for a complete
change of course in life.

Your Generous Donation will make all the difference in their success. Would you consider a monthly or a one-time donation going towards the sponsorship of one or more of the new students?

The new Laboratory under final construction

With a recent generous donation, our laboratory will be fully functional very soon.

Year End 2023 | New Dawn Communities

December 2023

Volume 23 Issue 6

Year in Review

From the perspective of our students

The secondary school in Tanzania started a journalism club in 2023 and have begun to send us content from the class. They are really proud of the accomplishments at New Dawn Communities and have listed a few here for you.

We have left the article completely unedited and as written by the student reporter. The entire thing would not be possible without you, our generous supporters.

By Emmanuel Felix
New Dawn Secondary School

“In life there are moments of mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair but through God’s love we find that there are many blessings which God has given us in our life”. In this year 2023, we have a reason to thank God of heaven for being good to us and blessing us with many things in our community.”

In every final part of something there is a story to tell. At New Dawn community, the year 2023 was so much good with a lot success. God helped us to achieve many things in many areas such as sports and games, admission of new form one students, the second form four class graduation, the new laboratory building progress, the good examination results from form four and form two, to mention but a few.

The following are the accomplishments for 2023 at New Dawn Community Tanzania:


Award Winning Choir

New Dawn Secondary School Choir



This year 2023 we also received good results for the form two and form four who sat for the National Examination 2022. All students from both classes passed the examination. For the Form two class our school became number three (03) out of 58 schools in the district and for the form four which it was our first time we became number 10 out 57 schools in the district.

This year 2023 also the form two and form four classes sat for the regional Mock examination which is done by all Kilimanjaro schools so as to prepare students for their national examination.

In the regional Mock examination, we are also happy to inform you that in more than 29,000 and 27,000 students in Kilimanjaro who sat for Regional Mock examination for both form four and form two students respectively, our school New Dawn Communities Tanzania got some students who managed to be among the ten best students in both District wise and Region wise in some subjects.

For the form four class, our fellow student Salome Materu became number 6 in physics and number 9 in Bible Knowledge in the district.

For the form two class we got 7 students who were among the ten best students in the district and region. In Kilimanjaro region top ten students we had one student called Lomaiyan Zephania Mollel who managed to be a third student in English subject in the region.

In the district we had seven students who were among the ten best students in English, Physics, Bible Knowledge, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, subjects. The students are Lomaiyan Zephaniah Mollel, Aloyce Daniel Metusela, Ebenezer Said, Sharon Maeda, Otilia Sixbert, Sophia Peter and Nancy Daniel.



Our school New Dawn had no qualified laboratories for science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The students are still using a mult-purpose laboratory to their practical which is not good for the students to perform well.

The good news is that the construction of New laboratory resumed this year 2023 and it is in a good condition. The plumbers have already fixed the water pipes which will be supplying water in the laboratory. The chamber for collecting dirty water has being prepared and sinks have also been put. The work is exquisite and it will be a blessing for the students especially those who are studying science subjects.

New Lab Building
Inside the new laboratory.

A part of the new laboratory building



In September 2023 the New Dawn Secondary School interviews of finding new form one class of 2024 started. The interviews started first here at our school then followed in other areas of Tanga, Dar es salaam and Moshi. We thank God that it went well and we got 36 who will join form one next year 2024.

Students conducting the written interview

The students from different schools doing a written interview.



This year on 02/12/ 2023 we had a four graduation in our school. This was a second graduation for the second class 0f 2020. The graduation was attended by government’s leaders, board of directors, journalists from different media, parents and other invited guests. We are happy that the event well. The graduated students are now waiting for their results next year 2024.

Graduation 2023

The form four graduates singing a farewell song.

The graduation march

The form four graduates entering the hall for graduation

Finally we would like to say thank you our sponsors and our supporters for the great job you are doing. You are building the future of the children who lost hope and we believe that one day you will see the fruits of children you helped. May God bless you so much.

There are two more days in the month for your
Generous Donation
to be matched! Think of it, your giving can have double the impact.

The new Form 1 (freshman) Students are in need of sponsors
Would you consider sponsoring one of the students in full or partially?