
Looking Back, A Brief History

New Dawn Communities began as a project of World Christian Outreach. WCO was founded by Stanton Herpick in 1976 and is based in Moreno Valley, CA. During the late 1990’s, Stan was leading groups of mission minded people to Kenya, to share the love and teachings of Jesus. By 2001, the need for a high school for orphaned youth became apparent, and in 2005, our first school was opened in Kenya. Our “Pioneer” class graduated in 2009. Since then, we have seen over 300 of our students graduate from New Dawn, many of which have now earned their degrees from university.
It’s very rewarding to see what began as a vision so many years ago, grow into the community reality that it is today. Because of the hard work of our dedicated indigenous staff, and the generosity of our investors and sponsors over the years, New Dawn has become home for hundreds of disadvantaged youth. These young people are finding the way cleared for them to rise above that which has hindered so many others from achieving their higher potential. The folks who contributed in the early years have made history. Yet we are still making history today by working to keep the way clear for many more youth to go farther in life than they ever dreamed possible. Let’s make history together for the next group of students. They will do their part, if we will do our part. 

Distributing Uniforms

Uniforms are distributed to the 2019 first year students in Kenya by Pastor James and Eunice, the class teacher.


2019 –  In January, the first class of students (form 1) begin their studies at Ishinde Village, Tanzania.  Construction continues to accommodate future classes. By year end, dormitories to accommodate 4 years of classes of boys and girls will be completed.  Successes leading to this start include drilling a water well, installing a generator, building the cafeteria, 4 classrooms, two exterior bathroom, installing storage tanks, and a sanitation system.

2018–   New Dawn Communities is granted 501c3 status in September 2018 and begins operating independently.

2017 –  The WCO board decides to split off a new none profit entitled “New Dawn Communities, Inc”. to be registered as a seperate 501c3.  This will allow New Dawn to focus on secondary school support and WCO to continue its mission of evangelism and pastor Training.

2014 – Pastor Ron Sukut was named the Development Director of a new school in Ishinde Village, Tanzania,  Bishop Steven Mshomi, who lived nearby, was identified as the ‘man of peace” and Director for the new project.. New Dawn Tanzania was registered in Tanzania with an indigenous Board including Stevie Mulinga and Julius Sossi and Pastor Ron Sukut as advisor..  The new organization was registered as New Dawn, Tanzania.   In the US, a Tanzania development task force was formed under WCO.  WCO registered as a dba as New Dawn Communities, Inc.  

Stan and Damaris have been busy completing the building of 5 churches in Kenya – 3 in Molo, 1 in Naivasha, and 1 in Subukia. Regional Representatives are now being named. Plans are being formed to start an International Outreach Center for WCO in Bahati, Kenya. Damaris and Eunice Herpick traveled to Kenya in July to meet with the 5 Pastors of churches that have been built by WCO. They are also meeting with key people on the development of our 20 acre International ministry site in Bahati. Stan has sent a manuscript to Kenya for the publishing of a new book entitled The Principles of Power – Rediscovered!

It is becoming very apparent that the meaning and direction of Haggai 2:20-23 has been building and is now being revealed to us for the future direction for World Christian Outreach, Inc. It seems that Western Civilization is crumbling spiritually around us and the Muslim World is fighting each other. The Lord is leading us by his right hand to go forth on all fronts to preach, proclaim, establish, and give helps to the national indigenous church in East Africa.

2013 – In February Evangelist Sohail Peter from Lahore, Pakistan joined Stan Herpick for Evangelistic Outreach meetings in Kenya. Meetings were held with Pastors and Leaders in two Full Gospel Churches in Molo Town. Instruction was also given to our students at the New Dawn High School for Orphans in Laikipia. Please refer to our www.wcous.org Website report entitled Healing from on High.

At this time 110 students have graduated from New Dawn and 43 have obtained such good grades to place them in Kenya’s top universities.

Pastor James Kariuki has been named President and CEO of New Dawn Community-Kenya. Please see the New Dawn Farm on the Website.

2012 – From December 27, 2011 through January 15, 2012 a three member evangelistic team of Mark Luce, James Kariuki, and Stan Herpick traveled to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Kampala, Uganda; and Nairobi, Kenya to hold Pastors and Leaders Conferences on the subject of “What Makes a Nation Great”. In Dar es Salaam 700 Pastors, Evangelists, and Church Elders came from around the country for an inspirational, anointed time of blessing. We also had meetings in churches where there was a tremendous response of people coming to receive Jesus and prayer even with no altar call. Please read the Newsletter Report entitled Heavenly Places from the 2012 Latest Updates on www.wcous.org.

In Kampala 420 Leaders, including 100 from the rural, village areas of the Ugandan countryside joined 320 from around the capital city to come together in unity and one accord. In Nairobi 128 Pastors came together to pray and receive instruction on the spiritual values needed for their country.

We then went to New Dawn Community in Laikipia where we spoke to the New Dawn High School for Orphans students and met with the teachers and school leaders. It was during this time that God gave us a vision to move the school more toward self-sufficiency by leasing land and growing corn, the price of which has quadrupled during the past three years. We now have 63 acres in production. It will also be our goal to build more greenhouses to primarily grow tomatoes to be sold locally. We also want to purchase more cows so that milk can be sold on the open market.

In June Stan Herpick had surgery for a left knee replacement.

In July James Kariuki completed construction of the Science Laboratory at New Dawn.

2011 – Stan Herpick and Jack Clark, WCO Board Member, traveled to Brussels and then on to Kenya in January with the sole purpose of obtaining bids for a Satellite Internet set up and connection for New Dawn. Favorable bids have been received for this future project. Stan, Pastor Albert Peyrefitte and Rev. Dan Wagner travelled to East Africa to conduct Pastors Conferences in rural areas. At the same time the first New Dawn Graduation of 48 students from the Classes of ’10 and ’11 was conducted. 18 of our 48 graduates have been selected and now are attending some of Kenya’s top universities. Pastor Ron Sukut and team supervised the building of our New Dawn Prayer Garden as the Senior Legacy Project of 2012. Stan Herpick is re-named Director of New Dawn Communities by the WCO Board. Ian Dyer is named Director of New Dawn U.S. Operations. Please see our New Dawn Communities Website at www.newdawncommunities.org.

2010 – We now have a full complement of 100 high school orphans and disadvantaged youth on campus. The Vocational Training Building is completed and the Laboratory Library Building is 80% complete. A prayer and fellowship Gazebo led by Pastor Ron Sukut and team has been constructed as a Legacy of the Senior Class of 2011. Another significant prophetic directive was given to Stan on June 13, 2010, 8 years to the exact date as the first one was given…this time from Haggai 2:20-23. This is still unknown but world events are beginning to roll out to confirm this passage.

2009 – 24 more orphans are being brought in to New Dawn High School for Orphans on January 6th, which brings the total to the full dormitory complement of 98. Our first Ladies Missionary Ministry group departed on March 8th to teach the students trade skills at New Dawn and a 20 member Youth Group and Medical Missionary team go in July. Our first High School Class graduates in November, ’09. Sewing and weaving machines and a baking oven have been purchased for the Vocational Training Building. A full, regulation Basketball Court led by Pastor Ron Sukut has been constructed as a Legacy of the Senior Class of 2010. Ron Sukut is named Acting Director of New Dawn Communities by the WCO Board. An 8 member Medical Mission to the Whole Man team from Napa, CA ministered in Kenya. Please refer to the Video on our Websites as well as the new medical Website – www.medicalmissiontothewholeman.org.

2008 – 24 more disadvantaged/orphan youth have been brought in to the New Dawn High School, which brings the total to 74. Construction begins on a Vocational Training Building and a Laboratory/Library Building. A Computer Lab is completed with 25 fully programmed Microsoft XP computers. A computer programmer instructor is teaching the students.

2007 – Both the shipping of the container and construction of the 2nd classroom building have been completed. 49 disadvantaged/orphan youths are now on campus. A farm truck has now been purchased and 8 cows are in place on zero grazing. Plans are being researched to develop further agricultural products.

2006 – Laikipia School Director, James Kariuki, is named and three teachers are hired with supporting staff. First group of 25 disadvantaged youth, “The Father’s Children”, arrive and enroll in “New Dawn High School for Orphans” in February. Pastor Training on evangelism conducted on trip to Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda in March. 30 member ministry team from USA holds several regional leadership-training conferences in July. Team members meet with New Dawn youth during Pastor’s Conference on site. Tractor is purchased for agriculture and grading with milling attachment for grinding corn to feed cows. This is the first main effort to attain self-sufficiency. Classroom building is under construction to be completed in ‘06 and a container with computers and many other necessities is being prepared for shipment. Ken Kaiser has been named Director of WCO Websites and is developing www.wcous.org.

2005 – Three WCO Board Members visit site in March to view construction progress. A miraculous provision of funds are raised to finish construction between April-July. New Dawn Community, Laikipia, buildings and grounds are dedicated in July at first Pastor’s and Christian Leaders Conference held on site. USA team attends ceremonies and ministers in local churches. World Christian Outreach Kenya, which oversees the school in Laikipia, is registered in country on October 12th. Pastor Julius Sossi constructs church building in Arusha, Tanzania with funds provided by WCO. Helps and support are also given to Pastors and ministries in Uganda.

2004 – Research and photo trip to Kenya taken in February by Board Member to explore building the orphanage and conference center buildings. Foundations laid for five buildings; 2 dormitories capable of housing 100, classroom and library building, maintenance and administrative office building, and a conference center hall with kitchen. USA ministry team of 19 visits site to help with construction project. Garden Party is held in September at the Birtcher Estate in San Juan Capistrano, CA to promote The Transformation Project entitled New Dawn Community, Laikipia.

2003 – A 560 foot deep water borehole is dug and water pumped for the first time on property…a generator with housing and a 20,000 gallon water storage tank is constructed. Five member USA and African ministry team travels to Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda holding Pastor Training Conferences in rural areas. Land is bought and a church is planted in Arusha, Tanzania. Vision for the Community Outreach Center develops. WCO Board expands. Architectural plans are drawn for the first New Dawn Community, Laikipia, Kenya. Ten more acres of land are purchased, bringing the total to 25.

2002 – A prophetic scripture, 1 Chronicles 28:10, is given to Stan on June 13th – “Take heed now; for the LORD hath chosen thee to build an house for the sanctuary: be strong and do it.”

A 13 member team from the USA holds church leadership conferences in the rural areas. Ten additional acres purchased adjacent to previous five. The vision for a Community Outreach Center is formulated by Stan, Damaris and James. Funds are raised for much needed water. Survey locates a subterranean water source for a borehole well.

2001 – First Indigenous Pastor’s Conference held (nearly 500 in attendance) at Brackenhurst Conference Center, Limuru, Kenya. Pastor James organizes conference by public transportation and on foot. Seven member ministry team from USA attends. Vision of Pastoral Training in the rural areas is caught. Vehicle purchased for James.

2000 – Damaris’ brother in law, James Kariuki, joins WCO. Severe drought occurs in Kenya – WCO gave assistance by building four ferro cement water cisterns and providing funds for food. Government security guards are stationed in the Laikipia village which stabilizes the area. A five acre plot of land is purchased and a wooden church is built on the site. Two additional wood churches are built in outlying areas.

1999 – Stan and Damaris are married in Irvine, California May 27, 1999. Begin early morning prayer.

1986 – Stan meets a devoted intercessor in Kenya – Damaris Nyambura Kimani. Stan ministers in Australia and New Zealand (1989-90) and distributes 150,000 sets of New Testament and Old Testament Bible videos throughout the U.S. between 1990-1996.

1979 – Stan leads a group of Pastors and Evangelists to Kenya and South Africa. WCO organizes several mission trips to various countries preaching the Gospel and providing “tools of ministry” to indigenous pastors and evangelists…1979-1986.

1976 – World Christian Outreach, Inc. is incorporated. WCO sponsors Evangelists and Pastors to travel to Africa…1976-1979.

1975 – Stan invited by Bishop Festo Kivengere of African Enterprise to attend the “Pan African Christian Leadership Assembly” conference in Nairobi, Kenya. He receives the specific call to Africa.

1974 – Stan is invited to attend the Billy Graham sponsored “Congress on World Evangelism” in Lausanne, Switzerland. He receives call to world evangelism.

1971 – Stanton Herpick leaves bank management position and enrolls in the MDIV program at Fuller Seminary.

January 20, 1971 – Stanton R. Herpick receives Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.



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Laikipia Kenya Campus

  • Beginnings
  • Approach in Kenya
  • Facilities in Kenya

Ishinde Village Tanzania Campus

  • Student Corner
  • Approach in Tanzania
  • Facilities in Tanzaia
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